This Blog No Longer Exists... well it does... but... I don't write on it anymore.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sometimes, it's all I can do to make it through the day.
Presented By The DKBess around 11:45 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Boy with a coin
On Thursdays my friend Gatlen and I travel up to Red Sea, our Church, and with a great collection of the Saints, cook for and eat with the homeless. Last week we served Thanksgiving. I must say, holidays are fantastic. Holidays are better when you're around Thankful people. Listening to their stories, laughing with them, somehow makes the turkey taste better.
I've been blessed recently by the provision of the Messiah, especially as he works within the Saints. How he's gone about it in my life is pretty clever. In Traveling Mercies, Anne Lamott says that when ever she's asked God for something He seems to say "Oh, thats nice. By the way, you should help this person over here." I've kinda noticed that in my life. Writing it down now it sounds so simple and so elementary, but by showing Charity you you're opened to Charity. I use the vague term "opened" cause sometimes its just that people like you cause your nice, and sometimes, I think, God is blessing you for your Love of Him... maybe they go hand in hand.
Speaking of hands, I've always wondered how keep, as the Messiah said, how to "not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing". I'm not sure exactly what He's talking about, but I think it has to to do with charity... flowing from us. It's a good feeling, but just cause He is first.
Grace and Peace
Presented By The DKBess around 1:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I've been sick for the last three weeks.
4 Days on Steroids
3 Urgent care visits
3 Antibiotics
3 Vials of Blood Drawn
2 Visits to the Specialist
1 Emergency Room Visit
1 CT Scan
1 Metric Ton of Ibuprofen later, I have a couple answers.
One of which is that I'm way too stressed out... to the point that my body throws itself into intense pain in revolt at my worries.
It took me ransom... I didn't realize it was that clever.
**note to self: read up on the Sabbath... or suffer the consequences.
Due to my sickness I have been given more than enough time to thing these past weeks, maybe too much time. It often popped in my mind that my propensity for freak Illness might keep me from my dreams of working cross culturally. It's a real worry. There are a million what ifs that pop in your head when facing things you know nothing about, especially when those things lay you up, especially when those things might not go away.
But then I think of faith, and once again Jesus starts messing up my life. What about the "power [that] is made perfect in weakness"? What about the promise that much more than my wildest dreams, I will be used for the glory of my Lord? What about those who have not heard? What about Adoniram Judson? Hudson Taylor? The physical and emotional pain and anguish that has followed men and women of God as they display Him? The trials of persecuted Christians worldwide who's faith is ten times that of my own? Lastly, how can I claim to trust in the Resurrection of Christ and hope in the Kingdom when I allow myself to be held ransom by my fear of death?
I did not believe in this Messiah so I could die in my bath tub at the age of eighty.
I am constantly amazed at how upside down Jesus and the Apostles were. Let me follow them.
By the way... While I was sick this little guy kept freaking out in the tree right by my window. Portland squirrels are pimp.
Grace and Peace
Presented By The DKBess around 2:36 PM 3 comments