Friday, May 04, 2007

Sauerkraut and Vicarious Intercession

When I came home this morning I looked in the fridge.

But didn't find anything very promising.

Until I stumbled across the quintessential health food!

I mean just look! the health is just oozing out of it! For protein and fats you got your processed beef/chicken/pork/rodent/fingernail/oldfolk. The bun's got your carbs. You're not even gonna chance scurvy with all the fermented cabbage Germanic-goodness (What we in the Deutschland like to call "Guten")! And that Gatorade reads your hydration needs like a red newspaper. What a perfect food.

Then I sat down and read todays installment of Oswald Chamber's My Utmost For His Highest. This part really struck me: "Spiritual stubbornness is the most effectual hindrance to intercession, because it is based on sympathy with that in ourselves and in others that we do not think needs atoning for. We have the notion that there are certain right and virtuous things in us which do not need atonement... We are always ready with our own ideas, and intercession becomes the glorification of our own natural sympathies."

Wow. This hit me deep. This week I've been struggling about what I want to be when I grow up (to find I've arrived there alot faster than I expected), and I'd like to have it be serving people in some capacity. But those word's of chamber's ring true; have I pushed my desire for service out of the need for sanctification? What else besides?

Good thing for Grace, huh guys?

1 comment:

StrandandThistle said...

"What a freak" ~ Your Friend Caleb Bose