Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Where ever you are, be all there."

It's been awhile since I've posted anything in this space. But no matter! Let me catch you up!

As of right now I:

+ Live in a Dorm
+ Live in Portland
+ Am student of Multnomah Bible College
+ Am Greek Major
+ Have way too much work to do (and it's only my first week)
+ Surrounded by a ton of people and concrete and pollution and city
+ Love every blessed minute of it (even the guy who greets me every morning in the bathroom with "WHAT UP DAWG" though is white as mayonnaise, THEN proceeds to sing worship songs incredibly out of key and does his fiances Landry in my dorm's laundry room, among other things that make me think this guy has gotta be.... fooling me.)

Yes, Jesus loves him. Though I find him a little annoying. But thus is community.

I have learned that my Major, Greek, as actually just about the hardest undergrad degree available at Multnomah, to the point that every time I should reveal my major and my intentions they look at me as if I've told them I have lukiemia.

So, because of the craziness of my schedule you good people back home won't have to worry about those pesky Christian girls who pine for a MRS degree, I simply won't have the time of day.

By the way, this is what my desk looks like

It is amazing living in a city, I wish I had more time to look around. Last Sunday I attended a church in St. Johns by the name of Red Sea, which is apart of the Acts 29 network. I was impressed -more on this later.

I should really get back to my Greek. I hope this was enough of a post for all of you, there will be more to come. I hope. Maybe.

Grace and Peace.


Meeshel said...

Haha! That sign is great! :)

Jen Rouse said...

Sounds like good times. Makes me nostalgic for college, those good old days when I never had time to read for pleasure, when I had to share a bathroom with 50 other girls, when I had to leap out of the shower to avoid being scalded anytime someone flushed the toilet...oh, wait a minute, never mind.

Actually I loved college and it sounds like you're enjoying it too. Living in the city sounds like a lot of fun. Try to make it over to Powell's books sometimes and know that a suburban mommy in Albany is sighing in envy. :)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, D. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Do your self a favor when you are up late one night and have little to do round some friends up and head down to a place called 24hour hotcakes I think off of division? anyway it's right by the Ross Island bridge it's a little dive of a place and yes it is open 24hours a day but man the food ohhhh the food, look it up. It is maybe 20 minutes away from where you are eat and enjoy!!!!!!!!!