Saturday, June 24, 2006

I want to shine on in the hearts of man, I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand. Direction to perfection.

What a good day off! *Big Breath*

This being my last free saturday for the season, I decided to chill out, sleep in till noon, then head into Corvallis for awhile before watching a movie with some friends. I had an awesome time brousing in Borders, though I have to admit something. I have a emmense desire to read contemporary literature, yet this horrid fear that underneath the well designed cover is a novel about Crack Whores or Enviromentalists or Homosexuals, which has happened many times. Don't get me wrong, I love those people, and im shure there is great literature about them. But I want a nice story with truth and heart and conflict that comes from good characterization, not cheep shots at Goodness.

I did pick up Elizabeth Elliot's "Through the gates of splendor" which looks powerful. Erik lent me a copy of Jim Elliot's journals, which I haven't picked up... yet. But the sections of this letters and prayers in this book testify to an amazing heart, and one that resonates with me. He says and writes everything I wish I could. It will be an honnor to stand with him in The Kingdom.

Also, I bought myself John H. Dobson's "Learn New Testiment Greek" which looks like a great way to start out. I do hope to be able to take Greek classes at East Linn next year, under just about the most Christ-like Pastor I know, Steve McGuyer. I AM STOKED.

After that I chilled at starbucks for a bit, and then saw The Lake House with some friends. The movie was alright for a chick flick... i suppose.

I think everyone should die at the end of every chick flick... that's my oppinion. That is Romance!

Much Love all!

1 comment:

Jen Rouse said...

I hear you on the contemporary literature thing. So many times I'll hear that a book is really good, so I'll check it out, only to discover halfway through that while it's certainly well-written, the protagonist has some nasty secret that i really didn't want to read about. (The Kite Runner and Three Junes are two recent ones that come to mind, just to warn you in case they were among the Borders selections you wre perusing.) Sounds like you chose a better route.