Teenage Politics, Frank, And Carving The Asphalt
I'll admit it, my communication skills are bullocks. Rarely can I find the words to reflect my true intent successfully, and half the time I'm not careful enough to care whether someone understands. In this way, I am to Communication what a Walrus is to sewing.
Comprende?... HAHAH!
So when I got to blog, I care very little for my syntax. Which is ironic considering the communication of ideas and experiences is what I'm aiming for here. Needless to say, and as I'm shure you yourself have noticed, it's very easy to misunderstand what I say here.
On that note, let me do some damage control. I'm my post earlier this month, Where Soul Meets Body, I said a little about my high school experience. Let me say, I have nothing against the Establishment of ELCA, It blessed me greatly, and I am serious about that. I was and am proud to have served the school as Vice President, to lead in worship and setup Chapels and I pray for God to bless them further.
Never the less, for me "high school" -that epoch of my life- was disappointing, filled with adolescent bickering, relationship issues and general philosophical angst. And shure, there were great times in there too, I as a thinking follower of Christ, must admit that it was apart of my path to him, and it is in some way unfair to slap a label on the whole thing as if it was a dirty needle and throw it out because it was my life, and it was blessed by God.
A note to all of you still in high school, stay strong, its only four years. If anything don't try to just get through, but make the most of it, you have the opportunity to serve and encourage a whole ton of your peers, don't waste that. But, it will be good when you get out, because you will be ready to move on, and get on with life.
For me, high school was a both a blessed and a challenging time, and I thank all of those who broke their backs trying to get me to pass, your mercy was just what I needed and I will not forget it.So! now that that's taken care of, let me tell you about a dead guy named Francis. The other day I picked up a book about Saint Francis of Assisi and was greatly encouraged. The man was a incredible human being, all of which can be accounted to his God. Francis took a vow of poverty and simplicity and yet was no killjoy, but enthused with his Creator to the point of being plain embarrassing! Francis challenges my understanding of what a holy life looks like.
More and more I wonder what a middle class life not wasted looks like. Many of the young Christians I know either do not give a rip about wasting their God given life and opportunity, or strive with full ardor to become cross cultural missionaries. Bless them, the latter I should say. But what else is there? How does a man stay in this culture and yet remain holy? It seems it takes great strength.
In other news! I just found my new love. Longboarding! The beauty of longboard skateboards is that it takes little work to travel a long distance comfortably. Longboards are much more stable than trick boards because of their length and their trucks are flexible allowing you to make long curves and turns by simply shifting your weight. I've been told it's alot like surfing. Anyway around it, I think it's outrageously fun, and even relaxing. That's not a picture of me by the way.
Much Love all!
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